Inversion of Geodetic data using least-square method in a non-Gaussian framework
C. Marchica, B. Valette, M. Radiguet
Modeling surface deformation is an important problem in geophysics. The deformation field can have various origins: volcanoes, earthquakes, aseismic fault slip... In this study, we focus on non-volumetric sources, such as dislocations along faults segments. We propose an original method to invert static surface displacement for slip on a known fault interface, based on a least-square approach in a Bayesian framework. The originality of the approach consists in considering non-Gaussian probability functions for the model parameters while keeping the least-square method related to the Gaussian framework. This is achieved by defining a change of variable in the model parameters in such a way that the new variables are Gaussian, while the initial physical parameters present the desired non-Gaussian distribution. More precisely, to allow a precise control of the slip direction over the fault we assign a decreasing power law to the probability function for the slip amplitudes that imposes positivity and values as small as possible.
We apply the method to the inversion of the interseismic GPS displacement field along the Northern Andes subduction zone (from Peru to Columbia). The data consist of 100 horizontal GPS vectors (Nocquet et al. 2014). The slab geometry is extracted from the Slab 1.0 model (Hayes 2012). We have tested several model parameterizations to assess the robustness of our results. The optimal model is globally in good agreement with previous studies, presenting two highly coupled zones, the first one in Northern Ecuador, and the second one in Central Peru. But in contrast with Nocquet et al.'s study, we directly invert the GPS data without previously removing a two-block solid rotation, related to coastal slivers. This yields models that correctly fit the GPS vectors in Northern Ecuador and in central and Southern Peru. At the Golf of Guayaquil latitude, the fit is less accurate, probably due to complexities both in the slab geometry and in the continental deformation that are not taken into account.
We thus validate this approach in the case of the Northern Andes subduction zone, but it can be applied to any kind of surface deformations data (GPS, InSAR), and various model parameterizations can be developed for other applications via specific probability density functions.
Nocquet, J. M., Villegas-Lanza, J. C., Chlieh, M., Mothes, P. A., Rolandone, F., Jarrin, P.,...& Martin, X. (2014). Motion of continental slivers and creeping subduction in the northern Andes. Nature Geoscience, 7(4), 287.
Hayes, G. P., D. J. Wald, and R. L. Johnson (2012), Slab1.0: A three-dimensional model of global subduction zone geometries, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B01302, doi:10.1029/2011JB008524.